Royale Play Antico
"For a lover of antiques, Royale Antico is a perfect fit. Inspired by Italian interior finishes, Anticos metallic textured paints lend an ageless quality to any room. Apply a layer of Royale Protective coat to get best washability performance. Pick from a large variety of textures available for different conditions and give your wall the perfect look. It's a water based textured paint for interior & exterior application. It is a stiff-paint, non-toxic, non-flammable and fully respects peoples health and environment.Its Availble in 42 shades 6 Yellows & Goldens, 6 Beiges & Browns, 6 Oranges & Reds, 6 Pinks & Purples, 6 Blues, 6 Greens, 6 Blacks & Whites. APPLICATION PROCEDURE Base Coat Application: Apply 1st coat of Royale Play Antico base coat plain using Trowel 7 Scrapers. After 3 to 4 hours of proper drying, apply 2md caot of Royale Play Antico white to create the pattern using recommended Royale Play tools. Top Coat Application: Dilute Antico Top with 20% of water. Apply 1st Coat